How to Write a Letter for an Interior Design Job

Linda is a seasoned writer and bedrooms authority. She loves sharing design trends, decor ideas, and useful tips with her readers.

In interior design, your concept statement is essentially the thesis or heart of your proposal.

In interior design, your concept statement is essentially the thesis or heart of your proposal.

Interior design tends to be mostly visual and spatial—not verbal. That being said, communication is still an extremely important skill for professional designers, particularly when it comes to writing concept statements for jobs. This article discusses the importance of concept statements in interior design, explores what they should and should not include, and provides tips on creating them.


  • What Is an Interior Design Concept Statement?
  • What Should an Interior Design Concept Statement Include?
  • How to Compose an Effective Concept Statement: Dos and Don'ts
  • Interior Design Concept Statement Examples
  • Helpful Resources

What Is a Design Concept Statement?

An interior design concept statement is the essence of an interior design proposal and a complement to the design itself. If you are bidding on a project or entering a design competition, your design concept statement lays the groundwork for the visual components of the presentation.

Your statement serves as the conceptual foundation of your design and helps give it a voice. Never assume that your design can speak for itself.

What Should an Interior Design Concept Statement Include?

Think of your design concept statement as the mission or thesis statement of your project proposal. A great interior design concept statement should . . .

  • effectively convey your inspiration and vision for the space.
  • briefly address how you went about creating the design and how you handled specific design challenges.
  • articulate the room's overall ambiance.
  • tell your client the origin of the design.
  • demonstrate your ability to create a symbiotic relationship between physical elements.
A good concept statement highlights both the look and feel of a space without bringing its creator into the spotlight.

A good concept statement highlights both the look and feel of a space without bringing its creator into the spotlight.

How to Compose an Effective Concept Statement: Dos and Don'ts

Each designer has their own way of composing and formatting an interior design concept statement. Just make sure you include a few essential pieces of information. You will become more confident in your ability as you complete more proposals, but for now, follow these basic pointers, and your concept statement will surely impress.

Do Keep It Simple

Be succinct. Write several descriptive sentences that communicate the purpose, focus, and fundamental concept of your design. Resist the urge to sell yourself. Your design concept statement is not an advertisement.

First, state the intent of your design, and then explain how you accomplished your objective. For example, "The intent of this design is to take advantage of the home's classic architecture, bring in additional natural light, and utilize a combination of vintage and contemporary furnishings and accessories to achieve a comfortable-but-eye-catching ambiance."

You can elaborate on your selection of specific design elements and the principles you employed while covering the visual presentation portion of your proposal.

Do Address All Client Requests

Sometimes, you may need to adjust your design concept statement to conform to your client's guidelines. You may have a killer design and a spot-on concept statement, but don't forget to follow special client instructions.

Oftentimes, client input significantly influences the direction of a design, and, in turn, the associated concept statement. If your client has a specific vision in mind and wants a lengthy account of how it is being met in the design concept, follow their wishes and instructions to the letter.

Don't Use Flowery or Ambiguous Language

Avoid using overly descriptive and flowery language. Even common adjectives such as "beautiful" and "marvelous" are ambiguous and do not aptly describe the look or feeling of an interior space. Be as specific as possible, and don't go overboard with adjectives.

Don't Use Run-On Sentences

Avoid long, drawn out statements. Use short sentences for your design concept statement. This may require sidelining your creativity while you put on your editor hat. As with any proposal writing, long sentences can dilute the effectiveness of your core concept. Brief statements are much more impactful and are more likely to command your audience's attention.

Don't Talk About Yourself

Avoid being egocentric. Do not write your design concept statement in the first person. Your personal opinions and desires are not relevant to this particular document. A design idea, vision, or solution should not be about you—it should reflect your client's needs and the actualization of their space.

Interior Design Concept Statement Examples

Every job is different, so there is no catch-all formula for composing a perfect statement every time. Here are a few sample concept statements to get you thinking and help inspire your own work.

See "Example Design Statement 1" below.

See "Example Design Statement 1" below.

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Example Design Statement 1

In this room, the neutral tones of the furnishings, fixtures, and artwork create a classical ambiance that embraces the lighting of early morning and late afternoon. Through a delicate marriage of light and line, this composition seeks to exude a comfortable but dynamic sense of modernity.

See "Example Design Statement 2" below.

See "Example Design Statement 2" below.

Example Design Statement 2

This design utilizes neutrality of color to draw attention to a striking trichotomy of rough, smooth, and mid-grained textures. The look of the washroom visually calms the occupant while simultaneously inviting them to explore a range of sensations while in repose.

See "Example Design Statement 3" below.

See "Example Design Statement 3" below.

Example Design Statement 3

This design highlights the transitional nature of the space by juxtaposing industrial furniture and fixtures with natural, living elements. The confluence of round shapes, straight lines, and right angles further cements the feeling of being at a crossroads but without any urgency to move in one direction or another.

Helpful Resources

If you are still unsure of your ability to write a compelling interior design concept statement, check with your local ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) chapter for suggestions. You may be able to find a mentor who is willing to help you with your first few design concept statements. The Internet and local library are also great sources of information for interior design writing.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Questions & Answers

Question: How do I write an interior design concept statement?

Answer: Do an online search for concept statement samples that will help you create your own.

Question: What are the types of concepts in interior design?

Answer: Design concepts are the central ideas around all the elements of a design project. In a simpler way it is the cohesive thread that binds all the design elements, such as furniture, color, upholstery, architecture and other materials.

Question: What kinds of concepts are involved in interior design?

Answer: Interior design concepts communicate design ideas to a client, like utilizing a mood board. Concepts communicate a theme, personality or style that include color, materials, texture, depth, furnishings, lighting, accessories, etc.

Question: How can you write an interior design concept about merging natural and modern elements?

Answer: It is fairly easy because of today's modern organic trend. With roots in Scandinavian design, modern style concepts are extremely simplistic and minimal. Furnishings and decor focus on the use of natural materials, earthy colors and clean, modern lines with lack of fussy detail.

Question: What are the differences between interior design concepts and themes?

Answer: A concept is the inception of an interior design project. It consists of a plan that includes color, textiles, hard surfaces, furnishings, the overall style and particular feel of the client's space. On the other hand, a theme is a specific type of decor much like a room full of nautical items. Sometimes theme rooms are often tacky, but if it's done with a subtle hand, it can be quite tasteful.

Question: What are concept statement pointers?

Answer: The interior design concepts help to guide the designer through each stage of the design process. These concepts are a combination of trends and standard interior design principles that assist the designer to successfully complete the interior design project.

Question: Why do designers use concept statements?

Answer: Concept statements are one of the most important tools. That's the way you can win client bids by writing a strong design concept statement. It gives a prospective client the visual elements of your design ideas for the space and what needs to be changed or updated. that they want to be changed or upgraded. It also provides you the chance to detail your inspiration and vision in a way that differentiates your style from competing interior designers for the same project.

Question: How to explain a concept statement?

Answer: An interior design concept statement is a project proposal. It demonstrates what you are going to do and how you are going to design and complete the project. Some details have to change depending on the designer or client that were the ideas from the concept statement. The statement's purpose is how to persuade the client you are right for the project.

Question: What is a distinctive concept for an administrative office design?

Answer: There's nothing like being inspired by great design. Colors, decor, furniture and harmony design helps your mood and work. It's important to embrace the space you spend all day from 8 to 5.

Question: What kind of design concepts are involved for retirement age couples?

Answer: Designers and architects create concepts for the aging population with inventive ideas that aid in mobility and ease of use. Through proper lighting and designs that optimize mobility that remodeling house plans can make it functional for seniors to age in place during the retirement years.

© 2012 Linda Chechar

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on August 12, 2020:

Interior Mart, glad that you enjoyed the information in my article.

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on April 09, 2020:

Jyotish Sevak, these are ways to create concept statements. There are also several good Q&As.

Jyotish Sevak on April 09, 2020:

I like the article and Q & A page. However inclusion of few examples of written concept statements would have been better.

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on January 22, 2020:

Isla, glad you liked the article!

Isla Fanning on January 21, 2020:

Really good idea.

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on June 13, 2019:

Melissa J., so glad you enjoyed this article and helped with writing the design concepts.

Melissa J. on June 13, 2019:

As a professional Interior Designer I've always struggled to write design concepts. However, with practice I'm able to write them to clearly articulate the ideas my client and I have developed. Your suggestion to research online is spot on, that's how I've manage to write many of my design concepts. Lots of research! Thank you for writing this article, it's well written and I found it very helpful.

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on January 20, 2019:

Mada, unfortunately I can't help you with a concept statement. Do some online research regarding workspaces and create your own. Good luck!

Mada on January 19, 2019:

Would you please help me to write a personal statement for a work space. my design should help employees feel like they are at their second home. By design it extremely comfortable and using a lot of active nice color and objects

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on October 11, 2018:

For commenters needing assistance with design concept statements: I am not allowed to help you with your work. This article should give you pieces of helpful information to get you get started. For additional assistance, perform online searches to find free templates to create interior design statements of work. Do more online research for your specific designs.

Ayushi yadav on October 11, 2018:

i want to write a design concept statement on a residence done for a royal couple where they can spend some quality time how to write it

Habiba kenya on March 22, 2018:

Hey i need help in coming up with information about interior design like what interior design is and the importance of it and the different styles for interior design in housing,offices and any other places that need interior designing

Nelson on December 11, 2017:

pls i need someone help me for an international standard unisex salon....thamks

shiba on November 29, 2017:

hi,i want write a design statement of romantic cause my concept is romantic for my home design project...

Samit on October 26, 2017:

Plz help me coz i want a statements of chinese culture of my 1 bhk apartment

faria shafiq on October 21, 2017:

hi!! I want to write a design and concept statement for bus stop all design is regarding nature. plz help me to write the statement

Hi, I'm Nisha on September 11, 2017:

I want to write content for my interior designing website in the about page of ours. can you just help me ??

alina on August 25, 2017:

how to write a concept statement for modern contemporary restaurant having italian food?plz tell me

Saf Zyed on May 08, 2017:

How would you write a concept statement for a bookstore from these elements:

hot air balloon, colors, simple, warm charm, hi tech.

need your help.

Stephy on July 06, 2016:

No wonder my concepts always made me feel something was wrong with them! Your point regarding flowery language is a significant aspect to consider. Thanks a lot. :)

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on July 26, 2014:

Thanks, rameh, for reading and commenting!

rameh on July 26, 2014:

the write up gives an insight into the basics of the interior design

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on June 07, 2012:

Happy I could clarify, Simone! Yes, you would think flowery language would be required in that discipline. It would be extremely difficult not to throw in a "mahvelous, dahling" once in a while! :)

Simone Haruko Smith from San Francisco on June 07, 2012:

I'm so glad you wrote this Hub! I was really wondering about interior design concept statements as soon as I first heard about them, and nothing spells happiness like satisfied curiosity!

It's interesting that you encourage folks to AVOID overly flowery language- and I'm really glad that you mentioned that detail! I can imagine how many people would be tempted to use it with interior design concept statements- especially if they're new and kind of nervous.

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on June 05, 2012:

Thanks Leah! Empty descriptive words and writing in the first person are the two big no-no's of design concept statement writing. Glad you liked it!

Leah Lefler from Western New York on June 05, 2012:

These are great tips - especially the avoidance of generic, flowery words. I love the concept statement example you provided!

How to Write a Letter for an Interior Design Job


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